Street Address
Phone Number
Your Custom Text Here
CTC Baton: Seller
Agent submitting this baton
Property Street Number and Name
Where can I find the Binding Contract?
Nickname Client(s) Prefer(s)
Pronoun client uses (he/she/other)
Client Phone Number(s)
To your knowledge, will our client(s) attend closing?
Do you plan to attend closing?
If you'll attend closing, is your schedule flexible?
Is Property occupied?
Alarm/Access Info if not in FMLS
Listed in FMLS?
Listed in GAMLS?
If listed, when should we change the status in FMLS/GAMLS?
CBS Code and other access instructions:
Has inspection already been scheduled? If so, do you know the company, date and time?
What is the commission paid to your broker?
How much commission will seller share with buying brokerage?
Any Broker to Broker referral? If so, to whom?
Agent Split with Lead Agent, if applicable
Will our client pay any fees? To whom?
Special Notes, for instance, past client?
Compass Agents: will you ask Compass to waive the $300 fee? If so, what is the rationale (veteran, repeat client, low price point...)
I will submit the request and Avery will make the decision on a case by case basis.
Compass Agents: Have you shared the Business Tracker file with us?
Compass Agents: Is this a Notable Finance transaction?
Dotloop Users: Please add gen@closingsherpa.com as an Admin, then "Add to My Team" to the right of my email
Thank you! We will let you know when your contract will be launched!